Dream Girl

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm tired of writing emotional stuff. Lets talk about something fun. Everybody has their own preference when it comes to finding someone special in your life. Well, below is my list.

1. melayu plus ciri2 wanita melayu.

2. urban but decent.

3. adorable >.<

4. soft spoken.

5. beriman.

6. unique and sweet personality

7. knows how to dress well but not in a sexy kind of way

8. smart and well educated.

9. manja

10. have a good relationship with her family

11. fair

12. slim but eat alot at the same time.

14. love music

15. dosen't have to be drop-dead gorgeous as long as we look cute together.

16. someone who will love me no matter what happen.

17. someone who is attracted to me not just because of my looks (mcm hensem sgt je)


Leeya said...

Woi! Poyola woi! Find someone who can communicate wellla woi! Dah tue2 SOK, SEME TU DAH TAKDE DAH............... Make sure she luv your family too, not only hers..................
PAKSU DAAAAAAA.................

haha..kne komen ngn pksu..asyraf poyo..cpt la crik awek..pstu kawen..jgn bg iqram kawen dlu sudahhhh..hehe..-ayu-

Asyraf Adlan said...

amboi2 paksu. comment org pandai! kawin la dulu baru comment. kami x saba nak ade baby cousin ni. :D cepat2 sikit.

Anonymous said...

wei. you're in love with a woman in your head.

you think you're exactly what that woman wants? jeepers. how about you be more of an accepting person? kalau ada orang yang ada semua tu tapi cina islam? cancel? kalau dia tak minat music? cancel? kalau more than that? cancel?

tolong arr... camtu, aku nak pompuan sama tinggi aku, body cam hillary swank, muka cam sarah tan, kaya, pandai, minat neverwinter nights, suka baca terry pratchett, minat foo fighters, reti main bball, mat saleh celup, rambut merah atau blonde, etc etc etc.

that is angan-angan, dowh. aku happy giler babi ngan awek aku skang. sayang dia yang mcm terlampau gak arr.

she's a real person, not one i made up in my mind because no one is perfect but somehow, she is perfect to me. even her 'flaws' are perfect because they make her who she is and i love who she is.

basically, don't limit yourself to some preconceived perceptions of the perfect woman for you because you never know when someone who really IS perfect for you comes around but you turn them down because they don't fill that criteria.

lagipun, kau pun tak perfect kot...

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