this video is about a man from Bandung who has a very rare skin decease. It is very scary. Allah je tau. The purpose of me posting this video is as a lesson to all of us that Allah is powerfull. Bukan untuk mengaibkan beliau. And so kita semua sentiasa ingat bahawa Allah maha Kuasa. Sama-sama lah kita doakan mereka agar selamat di dunia dan akhirat. Insyallah.
half man half tree
Thursday, May 29, 2008Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:17 AM 0 comments
last week of uni.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008This week is the final week for my uni, ECU. Really need to concentrate for the finals Insyallah. Then I'm off to Brisbane , Gold Coast and maybe Sydney. Just got my assessment result for my physics of motion lab report. 74% Alhamdulillah. Hopefully I'll do well for the finals Insyallah. Pray for me.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:58 AM 0 comments
P. Pinang haramkan Islam hadhari
Pulau Pinang akan mengikut jejak Selangor yang melarang sebarang bentuk program mempromosikan Islam hadhari, tafsiran agama yang dikembangkan sejak Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menjadi perdana menteri.
"Negeri (Pulau Pinang) akan mengambil tindakan yang sama dalam masa terdekat," kata timbalan ketua menteri Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.
Tarikh pelaksanaannya bagaimanapun tidak dinyatakan.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Hassan: S'gor haramkan Islam hadhari
Monday, May 26, 2008Kerajaan Selangor telah mengarahkan pengharaman sebarang program untuk menyebarkan Islam hadhari, tafsiran agama yang dikembangkan sejak Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menjadi perdana menteri.Pengerusi jawatankuasa hal ehwal agama negeri Datuk Dr. Hassan Mohamed Ali berkata, semua masjid dan surau diarah tidak lagi dibenarkan mengadakan program yang menyentuh konsep Islam yang diperkenal sejak empat tahun lalu, lapor laman web Utusan Malaysia."Kita haramkan Islam hadhari di Selangor ini kerana Islam yang kita amalkan dulu dan hari ini tidak berubah dan sudah cukup. "Oleh yang demikian, kita mahu sandarkan ajaran Islam sebenar untuk memerintah Selangor ini dan bukannya Islam Hadhari," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata pada sesi penggulungan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN hari ini.
source : malaysiakini
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 1:54 PM 4 comments
kawan yg penyanyang
[03:23] Luq Starkiller™: aku nak masak kek ah
[03:23] Luq Starkiller™: pastu send kat kawan2 kat luar negara
[03:23] Luq Starkiller™: just one small cupcake for each
[03:23] acap- home mode: haaa sila2
[03:23] acap- home mode: aku galakkan
[03:24] Luq Starkiller™: dengan mesej "cupcake ni sama saiz ngan otak korang. ngahahaha"
[03:24] Luq Starkiller™: gila kejam
[03:24] Luq Starkiller™: hahahah
[03:24] acap- home mode: hahahah
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Lying to forget
Sunday, May 25, 2008This lies become a part of me
For months, I've played this game
Acting like it doesn't hurt
Each time I hear her name
Ignoring what's inside of me
Pretending I've moved on
As if the feelings I once had
For her are somehow gone
Spending each and every day
With happiness and laughs
Forgetting all our memories
Avoiding photographs
But last night when I her him
For the first time since she left
My heart stopped for a moment...
I couldn't catch my breath
When suddenly it hit me
As the tears started to flow
That even after all this time...
I just can't let him go
Moving on is simple its what u leave behind that makes it so difficult
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Political crisis in UMNO Club of Western Australia.
Saturday, May 24, 2008There have been a crisis is this club. Come on guys, stop it. Umno is meant for "perjuangan melayu" bukan membelah2 kan org2 melayu especially kat negara orang ni. Lets meet and talk. we'll figure something out right?
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 11:30 PM 3 comments
interviewed by NST
Thursday, May 22, 2008I was interviewed by the NST yesterday at my campus. There were 2 other Malaysian students as well. I was the only malay and male student who were interviewed. There were two people from the press. one of them is from NST and the other one is from The Star and HELP institute. Afther that, I took them to the city for a dinner. We had a really long talk about Australia, Malaysia and of course, politics. So guys, do remember to buy NST every sunday till there is an article about me in the education section. >.<
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 9:32 PM 2 comments
no joy for lina.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008Lina Joy’s long wait for her conversion to Christianity to be recognised by law is over - the Federal Court ruled today that she remains a Muslim and her religious status will not be removed from her identity card. Delivering the judgment to a packed gallery this morning in Putrajaya, Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim ruled that jurisdiction remains with the Syariah court. The chief justice stated that he concurred with the majority decision - Justice Alauddin Mohd Sheriff who was the last to read his judgment agreed with Ahmad Fairuz's findings.Justice Richard Malanjun gave a dissenting judgment.A large section of the 300-strong crowd waiting outside recited the tahlil or read the Quran while waiting for the decision.When the news reached them, they shouted Allahuakbar - their reaction resounded through the Palace of Justice.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 9:54 PM 0 comments
phase shifter
Tuesday, May 20, 2008library IEEE;
entity shift_reg is
Port ( CLK : in STD_LOGIC;
PAR_OUT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 downto 0));
end shift_reg;
architecture Behavioral of shift_reg is
signal temp_reg : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
process (CLK)
if RES = '0' then
temp_reg <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
for i in 0 to 8 loop
temp_reg(i+1) <= temp_reg(i);
end loop;
temp_reg(0) <= SER_IN;
end if;
end process;
PAR_OUT <= temp_reg;
end Behavioral;
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Karpal gets death threat, live bullet
KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh received an envelope with a death threat and a live bullet enclosed on Tuesday afternoon.
The death threat and bullet, sent in a yellow envelope. It read:Kau jangan cuba mempersoalkan kuasa raja-raja melayu
Kalau kau tak berhenti!!!! peluru ini akan melekat pada kepala dahi kau
Ingat kau Bengali! Jangan lupa!!!!
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Great power comes great responsibility.
Sunday, May 18, 2008UCWA's (UMNO Club of Western Australia)Annual General Meeting was held today. Taking place at UWA (University o Western Australia. I was nominated as one of the EXCO member. I have new responsibility now. Not just as a student but as an EXCO member of UCWA. Lisz told me its a good thing. It will help me to take my mind off things Insyallah. I hope things will be better in the future. After all, I have my own GREAT personal adviser all the way from Galway, Ireland who will always got my back :D
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 10:03 AM 0 comments
home home
Thursday, May 15, 2008Hello again, in this post i would like to share with you all pictures of my place in perth.
"living room"
"SOME of my shoe. lol"
"front yard"
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 10:45 AM 1 comments
free flight!
AirAsia offers free seats for KL-Perth (updated)
KUALA LUMPUR: From midnight Thursday, 5,000 free seats will be available for the Perth-Kuala Lumpur flights via AirAsia X.
The free seats up for grabs are for the travel period between Nov 2 and April 30, 2009.
AirAsia X director Datuk Tony Fernandes said the offer was only available for booking on Friday and Saturday and it was in conjunction with the launch of the long haul budget airline's new direct service from KL to Perth, Western Australia.
"From midnight today, you can try to get free seats to Perth. I've already received 27 SMSes from Malaysians and Australians in Perth asking what time they can start booking," he told reporters Thursday after the launch of the long haul destination to Perth here.
He said the average fare to Perth would be under RM400 including fuel surcharge and the return fare for business class seats was about RM2,000.
"Many people have been asking when we are going to Perth. It has the largest Malaysian student population and Malaysians and Singaporeans living there. Our dream of turning Malaysia into a hub for people flying around South-East Asia destinations is also becoming a reality."
Perth is the airline's third international destination following its launch to Hangzhou, China in February this year with five return flights per week and to Gold Coast Australia in November last year with four return flights.
AirAsia X will offer six return flights per week between Perth and KL, and is already planning to increase the flights to daily return flights by March 2009. The airline’s new wide-bodied Airbus A330 aircraft will service the route.
To date, AirAsia X has carried over 50,000 guests between Gold Coast and Kuala Lumpur, and 30,000 between Hangzhou.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 5:42 AM 0 comments
While I was away...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008ajom just sent you a nudge.
ajom says:
ajom says:
its okay
ajom says:
erin tau
ajom says:
korg tk de kt umh
ajom says:
ajom says:
saje je
ajom says:
ajom says:
ajom says:
ajom says:
ajom says:
erin chat lh gn sesiape
ajom says:
bukn sbb rindu ok byeee
"Erin (front) with family"
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 7:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008What if Allah couldn't take the time to bless us today because we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday..?
What if Allah decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we didn't follow Him today..?
What if we never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled whenever Allah sent the rain..?
What if Allah didn't walk with us today because we failed to recognize it as His day..?
What if Allah took away His message because we failed to listen to messanger..?
What if the door of the mosque was closed because we didn't open the door of our heart..?
What if Allah stop loving and caring for us because we failed to love and care for others..?
What if Allah would not hear us today because we would not listen to Him..?
What if Allah answered our prayers the way we answer His call..?
What if Allah mets our needs the way we give our lives..?
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Debate with a 10 yrs old Erin
acap says:
haa lelaki rajin
ajom says:
ajom says:
exuse me sir
ajom says:
ajom says:
is the first one
ajom says:
who cleans the
ajom says:
ajom says:
acap says:
kat rumah abg acap ni lelaki je
ajom says:
you guys came
ajom says:
ajom says:
so you have to know
ajom says:
you all only know
ajom says:
ajom says:
play football
acap says:
acap says:
ajom says:
while the girls
ajom says:
do dishes
acap says:
since when guys only know how to play football
ajom says:
that is unfair
ajom says:
you know
acap says:
eleh mcm la erin kemas rumah
ajom says:
ajom says:
ajom says:
ajom says:
im the one
ajom says:
who cleans the house
ajom says:
if kk fatin tk de
ajom says:
if dia ade
ajom says:
we do it together
ajom says:
what your point
ajom says:
ajom just sent you a nudge.
ajom says:
am i talking all by myself
acap says:
whats the nudge for?
acap says:
no ure not
acap says:
im listening
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 3:43 AM 0 comments
"Dinner of the year" - Mael
Monday, May 12, 2008"This is D' Dinner of the Year" describe Mael about the food we had last night. we cook all the seafood that we bought last Saturday. Chili crabs, chili mussels, seafood tomyam, deep fried squid and fishes! Siapa kata org bujang x boleh masak power2??
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Market Place
Saturday, May 10, 2008I went to the market yesterday. It was raining and freezing that morning. There were lots of people but the weird thing is, most of them are Asians. I rarely seen any Australian. Because of my first time, I find it really hard to buy the fishes. Most of them looks really weird and I never seen them before. So I just bought some mussels, crabs, squids and a few normal looking-fish. hahaha
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:31 PM 1 comments
Patience, Lisz-san
I know that you have been very stressful studying for your exams. And you have been very moody for the past few days. So this one is for you Lisz, may this article guide you to be a better person. :)
"O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere" (2:153)
We are constantly faced with trials and tribulations. These could include death of a close person, family or marriage problems, stress from work or exams etc.. In order to pass these trials successfully we need patience. Patience is one of the obligations of Islam and is considered half of Imaan. Allah the Exalted says in the Quran:
"And seek ((Allah)'s) help with patient perseverance and prayer" (2:45)When you are faced with trials and hardships you should handle it with optimism and be patient, because in being patient you will stay firm to the truth and rely on Allah to help you. He is the best supporter and helper. Anas (R.A) reported that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "When Allah intends good for His slave, He punishes him in this world, but when He intends an evil for His slave, He does not hasten to take him to task but calls him to account on the Day of Resurrection.'' [At-Tirmidhi]. This shows that a trial is also a blessing to man because his sins are forgiven in proportion to the trials he has to face and his reward is increased with the Will of Allah. Thus, a Muslim should always be patient and contented in the event of trial because without these qualities he will not have the privilege associated with them.
Abu Sa`id and Abu Hurairah (R.A) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his patience". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. This shows Allah’s Grace and Mercy for Muslims. He turns the hardships and troubles He suffers into a means of expiation of his sins. But this is only possible if he’s patient. However, if he starts wailing instead of showing patience then he would be deprived of the reward he would gain if he’d been patient and instead may even take the burden of additional sins.
May Allah keep us patient at times of hardship, Keep my intentions pure and clear me of Hypocrisy. Ameen

"please let me be the happiest girl in the world Mr. Couger"
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 10:05 AM 0 comments
sad but true
Syam™ says:
aku 3 tahun pun takleh nak get over
Syam™ says:
dont hope for it. just work around it
Hamzah says:
there you go
Hamzah says:
then the next time you think about her will be even longer apart
Hamzah says:
or less
Hamzah says:
but then one day you'll think about her and it won't hurt as much
Hamzah says:
then it won't hurt at all
acap says:
Hamzah says:
but you'll never stop being pissed about it as long as you're alone
Hamzah says:
because you won't have moved on
Hamzah says:
like right now? i'm in love with aalia and i'm happy. i can think about the women i've loved before this that didn't work out without kicking myself about it
Hamzah says:
because i have something now that i wouldn't have had if i was with any of them
Hamzah says:
so i don't feel rugi
Hamzah says:
get me?
maybe they are right. Should I do something about it?
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:18 AM 1 comments
hamster powered pc
This is a conversation between me and my cousin who's studying in russia.
Asyraf Adlan: internet x pernah offline
Asyraf Adlan: pc ni dah sebulan x tutup
ainniah .: ayok
ainniah .: xpnah off pc?
ainniah .: xmeletup ke?
ainniah .: plg kurg pn...xberasap ke
Asyraf Adlan: haha xpe
Asyraf Adlan: asyraf build sendiri pc ni
ainniah .: ?
ainniah .: hihihi
Asyraf Adlan: beli part by part
Asyraf Adlan: pasang sendiri
Asyraf Adlan: kira custom made la
ainniah .: waaa
ainniah .: hebat!
Asyraf Adlan: buat cooling system betul2
Asyraf Adlan: make sure takkan panas
ainniah .: nti buat utk knyh satu ek
Asyraf Adlan: boleh2
ainniah .: ade x yg xyh gune letrik?
Asyraf Adlan: lagi murah daripada beli terus
Asyraf Adlan: hahaha
ainniah .: xyh byr bil
Asyraf Adlan: ade2
ainniah .: haha
Asyraf Adlan: pakai hamster
Asyraf Adlan: lari2 kat dalam
ainniah .: serious??
Asyraf Adlan: pusing dynamo
Asyraf Adlan: mana ade!
ainniah .: gune hamster je?
Asyraf Adlan: hahaha
Asyraf Adlan: main2 je la
ainniah .: klo hamster x lari2?
ainniah .: xde leh jln la?
Asyraf Adlan: hahahaha
Asyraf Adlan: pukul dia suruh lari
Asyraf Adlan: main2 je la knyah
Asyraf Adlan: mana ade
ainniah .: haha
ainniah .: ha knyh mne tau
ainniah .: asyaf tipu pon knyh caye
ainniah .: haha
Asyraf Adlan: takkan la pakai hamster
Asyraf Adlan: kesian hamster tuh
Asyraf Adlan: xpe2 knyah study medic
Asyraf Adlan: ni kena letak dekat blog ni
Asyraf Adlan: mesti best
ainniah .: wei kuang asam
ainniah .: jgn letak name xpe
ainniah .: letak name siap kamu
ainniah .: keh3
Asyraf Adlan: nak jugak!!!
Asyraf Adlan: bagi sumer cousins baca
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 4:42 AM 1 comments
List of bands that im going to see this semester.
Friday, May 9, 20081. avenged sevenfold - 12/5/2008
2. atreyu - 12/5/2008
3. bullet for my valentine - 12/5/2008
4. children of bodom - 30/6/2008
5. panic at the disco - 24/5/2008
6. i kill the prom queen - 1/6/2008
7. joe satriani - 8/7/2008
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:22 PM 0 comments
tiger lily
and you are by my side.
We're talking about our lives,
like we've known each other forever.
the time flies by,
with the sound of your voice.
its close to paradise,
with the end surely near.
and if i could only stop the car
and hold onto you,
and never let go
i'll never let go
as we round the corner
to your house
you turned to me and said,
"i'll be going through withdrawal of you
for this one night we have spent."
and, i want to speak these words
but i guess i'll just bite my tongue,
and accept "someday, somehow"
as the words that we'll hang from.
and i... i don't want to speak these words.
'cause i, i don't want to make things any worse.
and i..., i don't want to speak these words.
'cause i, i don't want to make things any worse.
why does tonight, have to end?
why don't we hit restart,
and pause it at our favorite parts.
we'll skip the goodbyes.
if i had it my way,
i'd turn the car around and runaway,
just you and i.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Dream Girl
I'm tired of writing emotional stuff. Lets talk about something fun. Everybody has their own preference when it comes to finding someone special in your life. Well, below is my list.
1. melayu plus ciri2 wanita melayu.
2. urban but decent.
3. adorable >.<
4. soft spoken.
5. beriman.
6. unique and sweet personality
7. knows how to dress well but not in a sexy kind of way
8. smart and well educated.
9. manja
10. have a good relationship with her family
11. fair
12. slim but eat alot at the same time.
14. love music
15. dosen't have to be drop-dead gorgeous as long as we look cute together.
16. someone who will love me no matter what happen.
17. someone who is attracted to me not just because of my looks (mcm hensem sgt je)
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 9:28 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008Didn't slept well last night. Ever since that incident, I cant stop thinking about it. Ah! I really hate this! Am I really that helpless? This blog has turned into some kind of a emotional thingy. I don't like this. I want to be happy and write something fun so that my friends know that I'm doing well. I'll try me best Insyallah. "Please get over it" Lisz told me. She said please. I really feel bad right now. I'll try my best to get over this Insyallah.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Just when u thought that u're ok...
Its been over a year. After all these days, studying aboard, new life, I have been trying really hard to be strong. Trying so hard not to think much about the past. My best friends have been really helpful trying really hard to make me happy. Luq, Syam, Azwan, Izrin and Lisz.. thanks guys! You Guys are the best! Not to mention the others that has been helping me as well. But there is some part of me that just couldn't get over the past. I really thought that I'm moving on. well, thats what i thought. But I'm trying really hard seriously. The problem is that there are times when I just couldn't avoid myself from thinking about it, the past. I really hate it when this happen. I know that I shouldn't but i really cant help it. Its happening right now arghhh!! I just don't know what to do. I'm really helpless. "I know how you feels. But still man, ini semua adalah takdir tuhan" says Luq. Thanks man. Its true. God has plan for all of us. This is all just a test in our life. I really need to try harder I guess, insyallah. My mum has been really helpful as well. What would I do without her. Like I've said, I'm really helpless. I really need help. I know that I'm not suppose to write about this but I just feel like it. But still, Just like Lisz's and Luq's advice. This all part of my life. A test that I should face In order to become a stronger and hopefully a better person in the future insyallah. I should study harder and show the world that I could be happy too. And maybe, Allah has a better plan for me insyallah.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 9:18 AM 0 comments
xc3s100 keyboard encoder using vhdl.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008library IEEE;
entity encoder is
Port ( CLK : in STD_LOGIC;
C_OUT : out STD_LOGIC_vector(9 downto 0));
end encoder;
architecture Behavioral of encoder is
signal SI_OUT : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
process (CLK, RES)
if (RES = '0') then
SI_OUT <= "0000000001";
elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
SI_OUT(1) <= SI_OUT(0);
SI_OUT(2) <= SI_OUT(1);
SI_OUT(3) <= SI_OUT(2);
SI_OUT(4) <= SI_OUT(3);
SI_OUT(5) <= SI_OUT(4);
SI_OUT(6) <= SI_OUT(5);
SI_OUT(7) <= SI_OUT(6);
SI_OUT(8) <= SI_OUT(7);
SI_OUT(9) <= SI_OUT(8);
SI_OUT(0) <= SI_OUT(9);
C_OUT <= SI_OUT;end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
-----sorry im in the lab right now. i wanted to save this file but i didnt bring my thumb drive. so i put it here. just ignore it.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 10:55 PM 0 comments
close enough
Monday, May 5, 2008 I saw her first
in the words
she wrote
I saw her next
in the words
she spoke
So many miles
so far apart
but close enough
that she touched my heart...
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008One of the self inflicted stereotypes in some Islamic cultures is that depression and sadness equate to piety. You see practising people always tinted blue, never smiling, as though they shoulder the burdens of the whole world. But, who said happiness ciolates ALLAH's commands?
"Say (O Muhammad): Who has forbidden the beautiful gifts of ALLAH which He has produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure which He has provided for sustenance? Say: They are, in the life of this world for those who have faith, and solely for them on the Day of Judgement. Thus do We explain the signs in detail for the benefit of those who like to know?" 7:32
Asceticism often means the negation of art and beauty, it has no necessary sanctity attached to it. The beautiful and good things of life are really meant for, and should be the privilage of those with faith in ALLAH. If they do not always have them in this life....let us remember that this is a test from The Creator. In the life to come the joys will be purely for the faithful.
Islam recognizes the importance of celebrations and happiness in people's lives. While expecting the ultimate reward in the Hereafter, a believer is not required to deny himself/herself the opportunity of enjoying in this life. Islam does not expect people to deprive themselves of the lawful pleasures of life. A Muslim should know how to strike a balance between devotional acts of worship and worldly pleasures.
Feeling joy and showing happiness and delight are essential elements of Eid. That is why scholars stated that showing happiness in Eid is a religious ritual. The Prophet (PBUH) encouraged the Muslim community to manifest happiness on this day. Beyond Eid, the Prophet (PBUH) was known to practise humor with His companions, and oftern wrestle with them. He would socialise with his wives for joy, and play with children (mostly His daughter Fatima and grandsons, Hasan and Husain). What makes one wonder is the act of those who overlook this Prophetic guidance and try to destroy this joy and spoil Eid’s cheerful spirit. In fact, some ascetics and worshipers did so in the past out of good intention.
This gloomy spirit is echoed today by some sincere people who are used to turning Eids into occasions of lamenting the Ummah’s shortcomings and tragedies, and mourning over the lost glories. Sadness and gloominess will never be the remedy for our tragedies. The remedy needs more than that. It needs reflection and wise thinking, as well as courageous self-criticism and assessment. Rejecting the manifestations of joy, extinguishing every smile and succumbing to sadness and grief have nothing to do with liberating even and-span of land, satisfying a hungry person, or answering any call for help.
The best guidance is that of the Prophet (PBUH), who used to seek refuge in ALLAH from worry and sorrow. He was always an optimistic, smiling man. We need to infuse the Ummah with this hopeful spirit. Eid is a ray that dispels the darks engulfing our souls and the despair strangling our hearts. So let hope find its way into our souls. The life-span of Islam is far longer than ours; its horizons are far wider than our countries; the calamities afflicting us are not unchangeable fate. We should not be hasty and impatient. ALLAH’s laws in running the universe cannot be altered according to the humans’ whims or wishes.
However, we must not shrug our responsibilities towards our selves, families and community off our shoulders. The key is to strike the balance: while keeping the concerns of the world at heart, our spirit must remain hopeful, cheereful and optimistic. Again, gloom and despair never changed reality! When struck by calamity or depression, let’s look at the bright side and appreciate the favours ALLAH has bestowed on us. A desperate soul overwhelmed by fears and blinded by a gloomy view can never be helpful in rectifying our situation. After all, we should remember that ALLAH is always awaiting our calls to answer; and that He Almighty is the Greatest.May ALLAH fill our lives with happiness, and all mankind! Ameen.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 12:55 PM 0 comments
About Me
- Asyraf Adlan
- born in kl, live in shah alam, studying in perth, loves music, family type of a person, a shy guy, very taken very not available heeee :D
Blog Archive
- half man half tree
- last week of uni.
- P. Pinang haramkan Islam hadhari
- Hassan: S'gor haramkan Islam hadhari
- kawan yg penyanyang
- Lying to forget
- Political crisis in UMNO Club of Western Australia.
- interviewed by NST
- no joy for lina.
- phase shifter
- Karpal gets death threat, live bullet
- Great power comes great responsibility.
- home home
- free flight!
- While I was away...
- WHAT IF....
- Debate with a 10 yrs old Erin
- "Dinner of the year" - Mael
- Market Place
- Patience, Lisz-san
- sad but true
- hamster powered pc
- List of bands that im going to see this semester.
- tiger lily
- Dream Girl
- Restless
- Just when u thought that u're ok...
- xc3s100 keyboard encoder using vhdl.
- close enough