ok just finished packing I think. My flight it at 12.00 am today. Im off to Brisbane, Gold Coast and Melbourne! I've been looking forward to all of this. Hopefully things goes well. Im heading Brisbane first for MASCA games. I'll be playing futsal for Perth. :D wish me luck ya! Anyone who wants anything from the eastern state please let me know. If i manage to get online over there, I will update otherwise, I will bring back lots and lots of picture dont worry! lol
Once Again I Write...
Friday, June 27, 2008 This pen, this paper is once again my savior.
I write to save my sanity.
I write to ease my heart.
I write to cleanse my soul.
I write to feel alive.
I write to keep my mind strong and my thoughts clear.
I write my words of sorrow, despair, pain, and love, as well as words of wisdom.
I write so that one day someone will truly know me.
This paper, this pen is once again my inspiration.
It is the inspiration to what I see.
It is the inspiration to what I hear.
It is the inspiration to what I feel.
It is the inspiration to the art I create.
It is the inspiration to what I draw.
It is the inspiration to the love for my love
It is the inspiration to the love for my family
It is the inspiration to the love for my friends
This pen, this paper is once again my savior.
Once again I write to say thank you my timeless friends.
Thank you for saving me time and time again.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 10:19 AM 0 comments
y am i here?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008Sometime I just sit all by myself and start thinking ' what am I doing here? ' Yes I know that I'm
studying but at the same time, I have this thing in my mind, ' why didn't I just continue my
studies in Malaysia? I mean, my life is over there, thats my home. I just cant help it feeling guilty
towards my parents. With RM 20, 000 tuition fees for one semester which is only four month by
the way not to mention the living cost here that is extremely expensive. If my parents are rich
then I wouldn't mind but Unfortunately, were are just a middle class family.
I cant stand having this feeling that I'm putting a great burden to my family in every way!
Mentally and physically. Sometime I just want to stop all of this and just go home. Seriously I
don't know what should I do. I'm totally paralyzed. What should I do? Should I just ring my
parents and tell them everything that I feel? I know how much my mum want me to study so
that I have a Brighter future. It shows how much she love me and yes i do notice that. Thats y
Didn't tell them about all this because it might break their heart. I envy those rich people who
didn't have any problem financially. All they do is just have fun. They still can afford to travel
and shopping and stuffs.
Should i just stay here and burden my family or should I just go back to Malaysia? Its cheaper
over there plus, all of my family and friends are over there. I can have a great life and great
environment to study as well. I know studying here give me a better education and opportunity
in the future. Maybe I shouldn't come here in the first place. I don't know... I don't know what to
think anymore and what should I do.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 2:00 AM 3 comments
y?? i dont know!
Monday, June 23, 2008ok 1st thing 1st, i dont know what am i doing writing this post. I mean, I dont even know what to write. Im just... plain bored! Currently I'm staying at Zaiham's house. he just bought a house here in Perth. he's all alone because his wife is currently in Malaysia and she's planning to do her final semester in Metropolitan Coll, Subang. Being a guy who cant cook is kindda hard especially when your wife is apart from you. So here I am, living with him in his house with Mael trying to help him out with the cooking, plumbing and cleaning. Yeah I know, lots of stuff to do. What do u expect? It a new house. I dont mind staying here for a while helping out a friend. What are friends for huh? Anyway, 7 days from now I'll be off to brisbane for MACSA Games. whats that? I guess u gonna have to ask me personally. Im gonna be there for 4 days and I'm gonna be playing futsal and maybe bsketball. After that, Gold Coast for 5 days. Dream world, Movie world, Im gonna visit every single amusement park they have! After 5 days of non-stop fun, 3 days in melbourne. Shooping time I guess. I just cant wait to get my hands on that iphone 3g. I'm really looking foward to all of this. Hopefully things goes well. Im going to take my mind away from everyting! my past and our very own Malaysian government. These 2 things really pissed me off these days. plus, HOLLAND lost duh!!
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Raja Petra's Fatal blow
I, RAJA PETRA BIN RAJA KAMARUDIN (IC No: 500927-71-5257), a Malaysian citizen of legal age residing at No. 5, Jalan BRP 5/5, BuKit Rahman Putra, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor Darul Ehsan, do solemnly and sincerely affirm and say as follows:-
1. I have been reliably informed that between about 10 p.m. on 19th October 2006 and early hours of the following day, the night Altantuya Shaariibuu was
Mudered three (3) other people were also present at the scene of the crime;
(a) Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak
(b) Acting Colonel Aziz Buyong (then Lt. Col.) a C4 expert
(c) Acting Colonel Aziz’s wife, Norhayati (one of Rosmah’s ADC)
2. My informer states that Acting Colonel Aziz Buyong was the person who placed
the C4 on various parts of Altantuya’s body while being witnessed by Datin
Seri Rosmah Mansor and Norhayati.
3. I make this Statutory Declaration because I have been reliably informed about
the involvement of these three people who have thus far not been implicated in
the murder nor called as witnesses by the prosecution in the on going trial at
the Shah Alam High Court. I also make this Statutory Declaration because I am
aware that it is a crime not to reveal evidence that may help the police in
its investigation of the crime.
4. I have further been reliably informed that Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi has received a written report from the Military Intelligence
confirming what I have revealed above and that the report was subsequently
handed over to his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, for safe-keeping.
5. I have also been reliably informed that one of the Rulers has been briefed
about this matter and His Highness is fully aware of what I have revealed
6. I have knowledge of who has informed me of this matter plus I have knowledge
of the Ruler who has been briefed and is aware of the matter but I have agreed
that I shall not reveal this information other than mention that the Prime
Minister and his son-in-law have been handed a written report confirming what
I have revealed.
7. The purpose of this Statutory Declaration is to urge all these parties who
have been duly informed and have knowledge of this matter to come forward to
reveal the truth so that the police are able to conduct a proper and thorough
investigation into the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act, 1960.
at Makhamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur
this 18th day of June 2008
This is very big. I have no idea which one it the truth. Lets just hope it will reveal soon. Im tired of all of the corruption in Malaysia. People are getting tired of the government. We want to know everyting. Where does our money goes. We want everything to be transparent.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Its burning!!!
This morning I cooked for Zaiham. He havent had any breakfast yet and he doent know how to cook. We cant go out that morning because there were some guy whos coming over to install the alarm system in Zaiham's new house. So I cooked for him. Unfortunately the hot boiling oil spilled all over my hand and its burning!! :( ouch!
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 12:21 AM 1 comments
go with the flow
Wednesday, June 18, 2008Sometime we need to stop analyzing the past,
Stop analyzing the future,
Stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel,
Stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel,
Sometime we have to go with...
"What ever happens, happens"
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008just finished my last paper today. alhamdulillah, finals over. hopefully i did well in the exams. i really need to have a good rest. its been really hectic for this last for weeks. do pray for me k? thx :D
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 6:52 AM 0 comments
Once upon a time there was a bird who fell in love with a white rose. One day he (bird) proposed to her (white rose), but the white rose refused. White rose told the bird that she doesn't love him. The bird refuse to give up so the he came every single day and proposed to her. until one day she (white rose) said I will love you. when i turn red. One day bird came and cut his wings and spread his blood on the rose and the rose turned red. Then the rose realized how much bird loved her but it was too late because bird was dead. So respect the love and feelings of the person who loves you.
cilok from a friends blog
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008Its 1.30 am now and im still at uni even though we dont have class anymore. These past few days have been kindda gloomy. anyway, Im trying my best to focus on my exams. do wish me luck yeah? I miss Malaysia currently. Family, friends, and food. Im not coming back to Malaysia this coming holiday. that is the saddest part. But im going to Brisbane, Gold Coast the Melbourne. Hopefully It'll cheer me up. I would like to take opportunity to wish all of my friends good luck for your finals. All the best!
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Comparison of Our Oil price with other OIL PRODUCING country
Thursday, June 5, 2008UAE RM 1.19/litre
Eygpt RM 1.03/litre
Bahrain RM 0.87/litre
Qatar RM 0.68/litre
Kuwait RM 0.67/litre
Saudi Arabia RM 0.38/litre
Iran RM 0.35/litre
Nigeria RM 0.32/litre
Turkmenistan RM0.25/litre
Venezuela RM 0.16/litre
MALAYSIA RM 2.70/litre -
lets sing ‘We are the champion’
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 7:34 AM 4 comments
hadis - iman menyebab utama masuk syurga
Monday, June 2, 2008Hadis Abu Ayub al-Ansari r.a: Seorang lelaki kampung yang dalam keadaan musafir telah mengadap Rasulullah s.a.w, lalu dia memegang tali unta baginda. Kemudian lelaki tersebut berkata: Wahai Muhammad! Ceritakanlah kepadaku perkara yang boleh mendekatkanku kepada Syurga dan menjauhkanku dari Neraka. Rasulullah s.a.w tidak segera menjawab, sebaliknya baginda memandang ke arah para Sahabat sambil bersabda: Sesungguhnya dia adalah orang yang telah mendapat petunjuk. Kemudian baginda bertanya kepada lelaki tersebut: Apakah perkara yang engkau tanyakan tadi? Lelaki tersebut mengulangi pertanyaannya. Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Engkau hendaklah mengabdikan diri kepada Allah, jangan menyekutukannya dengan sesuatu, dirikanlah sembahyang, keluarkanlah zakat dan pulihkanlah hubungan kekeluargaan. Sekarang lepaskanlah unta ini. | ||
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Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 11:14 PM 0 comments
sooner or later..
Sunday, June 1, 2008 Someone will come into my Life,
I know this.
Who will be...
How will be?
I don't know.
when will occur this secret?
I don't understand.
Still, I am awaiting...
looking for...
But Where?
I don't realize.
But I am sure,
Someone will come into my Life.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 12:08 PM 0 comments
whats the fear in life
Liking and non-liking are what with what we do play in life, Families and buildingsare what in which we make investments in life, Good thoughts and thinkings are what most involve less in life, Tears and smiles are some with which we interact in life Mothers and fathers are those who we love in life Sons and daughters are those for whom we live in life, Technologies and progress are those we look up to in life, Yes and nos. are the words to make decisions in life, Neither and nor are the words we use frequently in lite, Wealth and money which we whim to earn in life, Honesty and integrity are those qualities which we love to adhere to in life, The forbidden fruits are those we wish to taste in life, Opportunities and chances are fhose we want to get in life, Creativity and discoveries are those - rare to people in life, Gone days and memories are those to cherish in life, Happenings and memories are those like jerks in life, Struggles and sorrow are those to overcome in life, The ticking of pendulum is, that reminds the age of our life, So many are the things to do in life - So why fear the fact - to step forward with each step towards the end of life? |
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Be strong!!!
I haven't been posting for a few days now. I've been busy with finals just around the corner plus, I have lots and lots of things in my mind right now. Too many problem in my life right now and not to mention how stressful I am because of finals. Talk about timing huh? Personal problem has been the main factor for me to become very stressful. I really need to get over my past in order to move on and live my life happily. I wish I have someone to talk about all this. I really hope I can handle all this. There is just too much stuff going on in my life right now. Its really hard to ignore all this and concentrate with my studies. But I'll try my best insyallah.
Posted by Asyraf Adlan at 11:47 AM 1 comments
About Me
- Asyraf Adlan
- born in kl, live in shah alam, studying in perth, loves music, family type of a person, a shy guy, very taken very not available heeee :D
Blog Archive
- travelling
- Once Again I Write...
- y am i here?
- y?? i dont know!
- Raja Petra's Fatal blow
- Its burning!!!
- kme's bday party
- go with the flow
- merdeka!
- Once upon a time there was a bird who fell in love...
- kambate!
- Comparison of Our Oil price with other OIL PRODUCI...
- hadis - iman menyebab utama masuk syurga
- sooner or later..
- whats the fear in life
- Be strong!!!